Home > Blogging Contest 4-18 - 4-30

Blogging Contest 4-18 - 4-30

April 18th, 2007 at 10:25 pm

This is going to be a test to see how much interest there is in something like this for those of you writing blogs. We are going to have a little blogging contest with small prizes: $25, $15 and $10

The theme is: "How to...."

You can write a post on anything with a How To theme. You are free to write more than one if you'd like. Nate and I will pick the best submissions to be in the finals where all forum members can vote.

We know that everyone has different experiences and we hope that by getting all the interested bloggers to write about experiences that they have had and learned from, the information will help others as well.

To have your post entered in the contest, all you have to do is title it beginning with "How to"The contest will run from today until April 30. If you have any questions, please leave a comment

Text is in the forums and Link is
in the forums (or here) and we hope that there is enough interest that we can have these on a regular basis.

Jeffrey and Nate

2 Responses to “Blogging Contest 4-18 - 4-30”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    d'oh! don't guess i can just link to the articles i sent you, can i? Wink no worries, though, i'll take it as a challenege and try to come up with something...

  2. baselle Says:

    I had fun with mine!

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