Home > Energy Saving Light Bulbs

Energy Saving Light Bulbs

November 13th, 2006 at 03:58 pm

My mom asked me to replace a light bulb in the bathroom yesterday. When I went to do so, I was amazed to see that the light actually took four 100w light bulbs. This seemed a bit of an overkill for the bathroom that isn't that big.

Instead of replacing the light bulb, I I decided to take it out along with one of the bulbs that was still working and placed the cover back on. There was hardly a difference.

A bit later I found some energy saving bulbs stored in a drawer and went back and switched the 100w regular bulbs with the higher efficient bulbs. This worked so well that I went to the other three bathrooms in the house and did the same. I was able to eliminate 6 bulbs and switch 6 others to the high efficient models. My little step to save the earth for the day Smile

*This is a series of photos that shows money as part of our daily life.

3 Responses to “Energy Saving Light Bulbs”

  1. pjmama Says:

    Those energy efficient bulbs are great... and they last so much longer!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Heck yeah, energy efficient bulbs are amazing. I'm never buying regular light bulbs again.

  3. fern Says:

    My Kill-a-Watt meter shows that energy efifcient bulbs use about one-quarter the energy of incandescent. Definitely worth it when you do your whole house.

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