Home > 2005 Taxes and Hurricanes

2005 Taxes and Hurricanes

June 19th, 2006 at 11:47 pm

A couple of new tax releases from the IRS both dealing with last year's hurricanes. One was guidance on how to use the safe harbor method when claiming casualty and theft losses due to hurricanes while the other was an extension for those individuals who were living in the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina last year.

While I hope that no one reading this was in the area and will need this information, it's best to pass it along in case someone does...

1 Responses to “2005 Taxes and Hurricanes”

  1. veronak Says:

    Thanks I am in FL and we have had the worst hurricanse season that I can remeber two years in a row, power out for at least a week, roof damage that we just got the repair check from the insurance comapny, a whole year later and I can go on and on. But once again thanks

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