Home > Fuel Bank Gas Savings

Fuel Bank Gas Savings

May 28th, 2006 at 02:22 pm

This is actually a neat little concept call the Fuel Bank. Basically what you do is purchase your gas at today's prices and they are locked in at that prepaid price. So if you purchase 1000 gallons of gas at $2.75 today and the price shoots up to $3.95 six months from now, you still are only paying $2.75 per gallon every time you fill up. While there are a few issues to look at and the program isn't nationwide yet, it is something to consider if you think that gas prices will continue to rise.

2 Responses to “Fuel Bank Gas Savings”

  1. jodi_m Says:

    Thanks for this post. Any advice on how to find local participating banks?

  2. jeffrey Says:

    Thanks for this post. Any advice on how to find local participating banks?
    There won't be local fuel banks due to the cost of staring all the fuel. From what I've read what they are currently doing is negotiating contracts with different corporate gas stations which will allow you to use these stations for the price you pre-pay. Their goal is to have that on a national level by the end of this year so that the amount you pre-pay will be good anywhere you live in the US

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